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Speak up!

TI Hungary’s
reporting platform

Dear Whistleblower!

Thank you for contacting us and for placing your trust in Transparency International Hungary!

Please read the following before making your report:

How can we help you?

We do not deal with the following cases:

Transparency International Hungary is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) in the form of a foundation, which means that it does not have any form of public authority,  so it is not in a position to intervene on behalf of others, impose penalties, conduct police investigations or give instructions to do so.

Please take into account, that we cannot represent you before the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.

Please be aware that we do not accept cases where the events described in the report started more than 5 years ago.

Please note that, due to a lack of capacity and expertise, we are currently unable to provide meaningful assistance on the following issues:

Where can you make a report to TI Hungary?

We welcome your reports via the following page:

You can submit your report anonymously through this platform using a secure channel.

Please note that notifications are also handled and processed through, so we will contact you there as well. Please note that submissions are also handled and processed through, so we will contact you there as well. We are not in position to inform you separately by e-mail about the status of the submissions made on the website. To be able to track the status of your submission, please keep the 16-digit code you received when you made your submission, which you will use to log in later.

További információk a felület használatára és a biztonsági intézkedésekre vonatkozóan a következő linken elérhetőek: Globaleaks-guide.pdf (

Given the high number of notifications we receive, it can take up to two weeks for us to process them.

Please note that our decision to receive and deal with reports of individual corruption cases, i.e. to take on a case, is based on professional considerations.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to contact us at:

TI Hungary’s
reporting platform

This project was funded by the European Union’s Internal Security Fund — Police. The content of this document represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.

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