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Youngsters Should Not Learn Corruption From the Elderly!

A fiatalok fontosnak tartják a becsületességet, de nem mindig tartják kifizetődőnek azt, éppen ezért nagy szükség van arra, hogy etikusságra oktassuk őket – hangzott el a Transparency International Magyarország (TI) „Átláccó” fesztivál nevű rendezvényén, a Korrupcióellenes Világnapon.

Youth in Action – Against Corruption

The winning teams of the “Students Against Corruption” programme have successfully implemented their projects during the summer. The high school students’ bold ideas have impressed the awarding organisations – Transparency International Hungary (TI) and the Romaversitas Foundation – already in the design phase. Student from the ELTE Apáczai Csere János Teacher Training Grammar School organised…

Do You Want a Fair and Just Hungary?

Flash mobs, songwriting competition, or a thematic week at school – these are the ways students would take action against corruption and injustice in Hungary. The students sent in their ideas in the form of an application for a call launched by Transparency International Hungary (TI) and the Romaversitas Foundation. The aim of the program…

“I Am Honest Too!” – Transparency International Photo Contest

Transparency International Hungary announces its photo contest titled “I am honest too!” What comes in your mind first when hearing about ethical behavior? What does honesty mean to you? How would you communicate the benefits of corruption-free life? All photos addressing these subjects are welcome for the contest! Let your creativity free and take pictures!…

Festival on the Occasion of the International Anti-Corruption Day

A „Korrupt mesék” című mobil applikáció nyerte a Transparency International Magyarország pályázatának fődíját az idén megrendezett “Átláccó” Fesztiválon. A szemléletformáló eseményt a Korrupcióellenes Világnap alkalmából rendezték meg, amelynek keretében konferencia, díjátadó ünnepség és koncert várta az érdeklődőket az A38 Hajón.

Fight Against Corruption With Mobile Application

THE PROGRAM OF “ÁTLÁCCÓ” FESTIVAL IS AVAILABLE HERE. Fight against corruption with mobile application – win half a million Hungarian forints! Contest by Transparency International Hungary What are we looking for? We are looking for Android platform-based mobile applications, which ·    promote the message that we should fight against corruption ·    make us aware and…

’Átláccó’ Festival 2009 – Short Movies and Jazz on the International Anti-Corruption Day

“Transparency International Hungary organised a series of educational and cultural events called ‘Átláccó’ Festival on the 9th of December, on the occasion of  International Anti-Corruption Day. The aim was to promote the organisation’s anti-corruption activities to the members of the younger generation and to encourage them to support TI as volunteers”, claimed Noémi Alexa, the…

Related news

Conference and Concert on the Occasion of International Anti-Corruption Day

Youngsters Should Not Learn Corruption From the Elderly!

New Deadline! Animation Against Corruption – Draw the Story of Benő and Win

Youth in Action – Against Corruption

Do You Want a Fair and Just Hungary?

“I Am Honest Too!” – Transparency International Photo Contest

Festival on the Occasion of the International Anti-Corruption Day

Fight Against Corruption With Mobile Application

’Átláccó’ Festival 2009 – Short Movies and Jazz on the International Anti-Corruption Day
