‘Átláccó’ Festival is a series of events organized by Transparency International Hungary on International Anti-Corruption Day.
International Anti-corruption Day is observed annually on the 9th of December, since the passage of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption in December 2005.
The ‘Átláccó’ Festival was first organised in 2009 by Transparency International Hungary on the occasion of International Anti-Corruption Day. The programme promotes an anti-corruption attitude. It aims to make the members of the younger generations, who are susceptible to change, aware that they can contribute to transparency in public life. The winners of the organization’s short movie competition were announced in the course of ‘Átláccó’ Festival.
The festival was organised in 2010 with the aim of convincing the Hungarian citizenry that fighting against corruption is their task, as well. Our organisation advocates that private individuals should expose as many acts of corruption as possible. For this reason the introduction of whistleblowing systems and Legal Aid Service was in the limelight during our festival. In the course of the festival, guests could visit an exhibition which presented the best works of the ‘Dare to Act’ poster competition.
The topic of the Anti-Corruption Festival in 2011 was youth integrity. In cooperation with Kutatópont Kft. we have conducted a survey about what young people think about corruption and what the role of anti-corruption education should be in the Hungarian education system. The results of the survey were presented in the framework of a conference on the 9th of December. After the conference there was the award giving ceremony of the documentary film competition. The festival was closed by the concert of Korai Öröm.
Anti-Corruption Festival in 2012 focused on how Information and Communication Technologies can be applied to enhance the process of making state actors more accountable to citizens and encourage youth to realize corruption in their everyday life, and to support them with online/offline tools in fighting against it.
Anti-Corruption Festival 2013 included a workshop entitled ‘Youth and Integrity’. TI launched ‘Students against corruption’ booklet, made by the organization for high school teachers. The festival served as an occasion to award the winners of TI’s animation contest as well. The Átláccó Festival ended with a concert of Hungarian-Ghanaian singer Sena.
The Anti-Corruption Festival 2014 took place on boat A38. Early afternoon a conference, named “Everything you wanted to know about lobbying”, opened the event, which was followed by a performance by TÁP theatre based on the winning story of the “Lobby with us!” competition, jointly organized by TI and 444.hu. Live concert by Mary Popkids closed the Festival.
In 2015 TI organised a conference on public procurement, the distribution and supervision of EU funds, and the abuses related to these. The speakers at the international meeting included the United States’ Ambassador to Budapest Colleen Bell, State Secretary of the Prime Minister’s Office in Hungary in charge of EU Developments Eszter Vitályos, with presentations from the Policy Director of the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and the senior prosecutor of Romania’s anti-corruption agency (DNA).
Conference and Concert on the Occasion of International Anti-Corruption Day
Today is International Anti-Corruption Day, and on this occasion, Transparency International Hungary (TI) once again organised Átláccó festival on board the ship A38 in Budapest. This year, the anti-corruption organisation organised a conference on public procurement, the distribution and supervision of EU funds, and the abuses related to these. The speakers at the international meeting…
Conference, Theater, Concert on International Anti-Corruption Day
Ma van a Korrupcióellenes Világnap, amelynek alkalmából a Transparency International Magyarország (TI) fesztivált rendez az A38 Hajón. A konferencia után, este a TÁP Színház bemutatja a korrupciós színdarabját, utána pedig ingyenes Mary PopKids koncert várja az érdeklődőket.
Youngsters Should Not Learn Corruption From the Elderly!
A fiatalok fontosnak tartják a becsületességet, de nem mindig tartják kifizetődőnek azt, éppen ezért nagy szükség van arra, hogy etikusságra oktassuk őket – hangzott el a Transparency International Magyarország (TI) „Átláccó” fesztivál nevű rendezvényén, a Korrupcióellenes Világnapon.
Festival on the Occasion of the International Anti-Corruption Day
A „Korrupt mesék” című mobil applikáció nyerte a Transparency International Magyarország pályázatának fődíját az idén megrendezett “Átláccó” Fesztiválon. A szemléletformáló eseményt a Korrupcióellenes Világnap alkalmából rendezték meg, amelynek keretében konferencia, díjátadó ünnepség és koncert várta az érdeklődőket az A38 Hajón.
‘Átláccó’ Festival 2011
The topic of the Anti-Corruption Festival in 2011 was youth integrity. In cooperation with Kutatópont Kft. we have conducted a survey about what young people think about corruption and what the role of anti-corruption education should be in the Hungarian education system. The results of the survey were presented in the framework of a conference on…
‘Átláccó’ Festival 2010
Transparency International offers help for victims of corruption The organization launched its Legal Aid Service on the International Anti-corruption Day According to the Global Corruption Barometer released on 9 December 2010, Hungarians are willing to report on corruption, but adequate protection for whistleblowers is missing. Transparency International (TI) held an international conference – with government…
’Átláccó’ Festival 2009 – Short Movies and Jazz on the International Anti-Corruption Day
“Transparency International Hungary organised a series of educational and cultural events called ‘Átláccó’ Festival on the 9th of December, on the occasion of International Anti-Corruption Day. The aim was to promote the organisation’s anti-corruption activities to the members of the younger generation and to encourage them to support TI as volunteers”, claimed Noémi Alexa, the…