Strategic undersecretary of Ministry for National Economy, Zoltán Cséfalvay, negotiated with corporate sponsors of Transparency International Hungary (TI). At the meeting, the undersecretary presented the government’s main ideas on how to improve Hungary’s economic competitiveness and suggested substantive cooperation between the government and business sector.
It is the government’s stance that the state should be small, yet effective, with a reduction in the administration burdens of various enterprises. The government has requested the assistance of experts and partners of TI Hungary in the government’s push to create a good business environment with the aim of reducing corruption. The Corporate sponsors of TI Hungary presented concrete suggestions on how to create a clear and effective legal environment for the business sector. The attendees pointed to the need for supervising authorities to not abuse their position, as a necessary condition to create a framework that exclusively stimulates lawful, and ethical business behaviour.
Members of Corporate Sponsors’ Forum (CSF) of Transparency International Hungary are enterprises which are committed to the principles of transparency and ethical business behaviour. The members of CSF regularly meet with political and diplomatic leaders, in order to initiate positive changes in the regulation of Hungarian business environment, and to urge effective action against corruption.