The young generation of Hungary considers integrity an important but unrewarding attitude. This is the conclusion of the report published by Transparency International Hungary (TI) and Kutatópont.
The research reveals that youngsters are at a uniform standpoint in that honesty does not pay, and people ready to lie, cheat and steal can get along much better in Hungary today than those who are uncorrupted. Young people between 15-29 mostly reject corruption, however, economic hopelessness often overwrites their moral principles; getting admission to a good university or the hope of a well-paying job can be more attractive than preserving integrity.
They consider politicians and the business sector the most corrupt
90% of the young population thinks that corruption is present in politics and 84% is on the opinion that corruption can be experienced in the business sector as well. This latter area has a quite bad reputation among youngsters; 70% of them think that gratuity money is frequently or always rendered in the course of business activities.
The most corrupt sectors according to young people are public administration, business and public healthcare. This opinion is in accordance with the results of the 2010 Global Corruption Barometer of TI which measures citizen’s perceived level of corruption.
They experience corruption mostly in the labor market
39% of the young population between 15-29 has already experienced cases in which a friend, acquaintance or a family member gained advantage when applying for a job.
Politicians are no idols
Politicians are very unpopular among youngsters in Hungary; 90% of the respondents think that they don’t show good examples. Most of them think that family, friends and teachers should serve as examples to follow in life.
They would like to act against corruption but they are not taken seriously
According to the majority of respondents the young generation should play an important role in the fight against corruption, since young people will become the opinion-makers of the future. However, they feel that they cannot intervene as no-one is interested in what young people think. Only a quarter of them would report cases of corruption because they think that reporting would have no impact, or they would be afraid of the consequences.
„Young people need to be educated about how to take action against corruption – this is why we need to incorporate anti-corruption education in the syllabus of secondary schools” – said Noemi Alexa, executive director of Transparency International Hungary.
Please find the full report below.