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Court cases

We have asked the European Commission’s Directorate-General for the Internal Market to investigate the...
Zoltán Jandó, associate of, and András Pethő and Szabolcs Panyi, investigative journalists of...
Transparency International Hungary, with co-organiser Connect Europe Association, held a full-day conference on “Protecting...
Transparency International (TI) Hungary, in cooperation with Connect Europe Association, is organising an international...
In Hungary, private equity funds have become a vehicle to hide wealth and to...
The gas fitter from Felcsút took the lead in TI Hungary’s interactive database based...
Transparency International Hungary Presented the findings of its 2019 CPI Report at Central European...

Investigative journalism

Zoltán Jandó, associate of, and András Pethő and Szabolcs Panyi, investigative journalists of...
As the participants of the 7th Mentor-Mentee Program for young investigative journalists we had...
Transparency International Hungary opened its 7th Mentor-mentee Program for Investigative Journalists at the Embassy...
At the first venue in Pécs of our project for involving communities in the...
11 January 2019, Budapest Three journalists of Átlátszó.hu, Katalin Erdélyi, Dániel Németh and Attila...
Transparency International Hungary calls for experienced investigative journalists to take part in the mentor-mentee...
Transparency International Hungary calls for youngsters and/or students to take part in the mentor-mentee...

Public funds

Transparency International Hungary, with co-organiser Connect Europe Association, held a full-day conference on “Protecting...
Transparency International (TI) Hungary, in cooperation with Connect Europe Association, is organising an international...
In Hungary, private equity funds have become a vehicle to hide wealth and to...
The gas fitter from Felcsút took the lead in TI Hungary’s interactive database based...
László Szíjj and Lőrinc Mészáros, both individually and together, are well ahead of the...
Transparency International Hungary (TI-Hungary) has won a final judgment in a case concerning the...
Elections are held this Sunday in Hungary. Pro-government forces have spent almost eight times...
The Elios-story in a nutshell 1. A company belonging to the interest group of...

Rule of law

Transparency International Hungary, with co-organiser Connect Europe Association, held a full-day conference on “Protecting...
In December 2022, European Union institutions suspended and tied to conditions Hungary’s access to...
Budapest, 15 October, 2024 ° Factual mistakes and serious distortions characterise the report concluding...
Transparency International (TI) Hungary, in cooperation with Connect Europe Association, is organising an international...
On 18 June the Sovereignty Protection Office asked 62 questions from Transparency International Hungary...
The Sovereignty Protection Office (SPO), on the 18th of June, formally notified Transparency International...
As of the end of the first quarter of 2023, the Hungarian government is...


In December 2022, European Union institutions suspended and tied to conditions Hungary’s access to...
Budapest, 15 October, 2024 ° Factual mistakes and serious distortions characterise the report concluding...
On 18 June the Sovereignty Protection Office asked 62 questions from Transparency International Hungary...
The Sovereignty Protection Office (SPO), on the 18th of June, formally notified Transparency International...
  Budapest, 30 January 2024. Hungary retained its previous ranking as the European Union’s...
As of the end of the first quarter of 2023, the Hungarian government is...
The world’s most comprehensive corruption survey, the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), was compiled for...