The “Development of Ózd town drinking water supply infrastructure and distribution system and sustainable control of it” project (OWD) is supported by the Swiss Government, represented by the Swiss Contribution Office (“SCO”), within the framework of the Swiss-Hungarian Contribution Program, a 130.7 million CHF government financed program that aims at reducing economic and social disparities in Hungary. Switzerland attaches great importance to preventing corruption under the implementation of the program. The OWD Project is managed under the overall supervision of the NDA. The Intermediate body for the OWD project is VÁTI Non-profit Ltd.
The Municipality of Ózd also attaches great importance to full compliance with all relevant laws and regulations, and the principles of economical use of resources, and of fairness and transparency in its contractual relations, in relation to and during the full project. In order to achieve these goals, and to increase transparency, establish trust in the public, prevent corruption and make best use of the public funds, the Municipality cooperates with the Hungarian Chapter of Transparency International.
Such transparency, in turn, calls for extensive and easy public access to all the information available under law. Following TI’s national and international experience in this field, and based on the recommendation and assistance of TI Hungary, SCO on behalf of the Government of the Swiss Confederation has appointed an external independent Monitor who will monitor the OWD Tender processes and the OWD Implementation, including the execution of the contracts for compliance with the principle mentioned above. The status, tasks, responsibilities of the Monitor and its financial issues are defined in a contract signed between SCO and the Monitor, countersigned by TI Hungary.
The Integrity Pact will be applied in all public procurement processes of the project.
Integrity Pact – English and Hungarian
Contract between the Swiss Contribution Office and the Monitor – English and Hungarian
The English language version of this Agreement shall be the prevailing version in the event of any discrepancy.
Contract between the Swiss Contribution Office and TI – English and Hungarian
The English language version of this Agreement shall be the prevailing version in the event of any discrepancy.
Swiss Contribution Office:
Municipality of Ózd:
Proactive Management Consulting Ltd.
Contact of the Monitor:
Tibor Héjj
managing director
Proactive Management Consulting Ltd.
1126 Budapest, Szendrő u. 30., Hungary
Tel/Fax: +36 1 266 1778